- Tumor mutation burden and PD-L1 expression in SDH/FH mutated solid tumors
May 2019, ASCO - Evidence for selective silencing of MHC-binding neoepitopes to avoid immune surveillance
May 2019, ASCO - CMS subtypes characterized by high TMB shows immunosuppressive microenvironment that implies resistance to immunotherapy
January 2019, ASCO-GI - Genomic and immune infiltration differences between MSI and MSS GI tumors
January 2019, ASCO-GI - Comprehensive-omic analysis of 152 CRC patients allows greater subclassification than CMS or sidedness alone
January 2019, ASCO-GI - Clinical trial screening of CDKN2A genomic alterations in patients with Pancreatic cancer and Hepatobiliary cancers requires greater precision than somatic sequencing alone
January 2019, ASCO-GI - Comprehensive characterization of immune landscape in gastrointestinal cancers and head and neck cancers via computational deconvolution
January 2019, ASCO-GI - Proteomic Analysis of Therapeutic Biomarkers to Guide Treatment of Patients with Bone Metastases
January 2018, MSACL - Selecting Patients with Stage II or III Colorectal Cancer for 5Fluorouracilbased Adjuvant Chemotherapy Using Proteomic Analysis
January 2018, ASCOGI - The Prognostic Role of Microsatellite Status, Tumor Mutational Burden, and Protein Expression in Colorectal Cancer
January 2018, ASCOGI - Identifying Patients Sensitive to AnthracyclineContaining Therapy with Quantitative Proteomic and Genomic Profiling
December 2017, SABCS - SLFN11 Expression in Early Stage NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer Correlates with Benefit from PlatinumContaining Chemotherapy
October 2017, 18th World Conference on Lung Cancer - Identifying Responders to Temozolomide Among Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Using Proteomic Quantitation of MGMT
June 2017, ASCO - Predicting Overall Survival in Gastric Cancer Patients Randomized to Chemotherapy: A Reevaluation of the ITACAS Trial
June 2017, ASCO - Proteomic Quantitation of ERCC1 May Predict Response to PlatinumBased Chemotherapy in Patients with NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer
June 2017, ASMS - Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of MGMT May Predict Response of Colorectal Cancer Patients to Treatment with Temozolomide
June 2017, ASMS - Quantification of FGFR Protein Expression in Solid Tumors by Targeted Mass Spectrometry and Correlation with FGFR Gene Amplification Status
June 2017, ASMS - Using “Omics” to Select Immunotherapy and Conventional Therapy Combinations
April 2017, AACR - Proteomic Analysis of MET Tyrosine Kinase Receptor as a Prognostic Biomarker of Survival in Patients with Gastroesophageal Cancer
January 2017, MSACL - Entering the Era of Clinical Proteomics: Utilizing Multiplexed Targeted Proteomics to Identify GC Patients Who May Benefit from Docetaxel: Reevaluation of the ITACAS trial
January 2017, ASCOGI - Proteomic Analysis of ERCC1 Predicts Benefit of Platinum Therapy in NSCLC: A Reevaluation of Samples from the TASTE Trial
December 2016, 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer - Clinical mass spectrometrybased proteomics unlocks personalized medicine potential from bone metastases
December 2016,EORTCNCIAACR - Mass spectrometrybased proteomic analysis may improve identification of patients sensitive to FGFR inhibitor therapy
December 2016, SABCS - Identifying patientspecific neoepitopes for cellbased and vaccine immunotherapy across breast cancer classifications reveals rarely shared recurrent neoepitopes
December 2016, SABCS - Identifying Patientspecific Neoepitopes for Cellbased and Vaccine Immunotherapy within the Cancer Genome Atlas Reveals Rarely Shared Recurrent Neoepitopes
November 2016, SITC - Identifying Patientspecific Neoepitopes for Cellbased and Vaccine Immunotherapy within the Cancer Genome Atlas Reveals Rarely Shared Recurrent Neoepitopes
November 2016, EORTC - Exploratory study of NQO1 expression in advanced solid tumors.
June 2016, ASMS - Identifying Patientspecific Neoepitopes for Cellbased and Vaccine Immunotherapy Targets in Breast Cancer Patients by HLA Typing and Predicting MHC Presentation from Whole Genome and RNA Sequencing Data.
June 2016, ASCO - Highthroughput Identification of Neoepitopes for Development of Patientspecific Cancer Immunotherapies
April 2016, AACR - Quantitative HER2 protein expression analysis in multiple cancer indications: Identification of candidates for HER2 targeted therapies
March 2016, TAT - KRASgene amplification defines a distinct molecular subgroup of gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma
January 2016, ASCOGI - Quantitative HER family proteins assessment as prognostic and predictive biomarkers in the EGF30008 clinical trial
December 2015, SABCS - Integrating Whole Exome Sequencing Data with RNASeq And Quantitative Proteomics to Better Inform Clinical Treatment Decisions in Patients with Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer
December 2015, SABCS - Integrating Whole Genome Sequencing Data With RNAseq, Pathway Analysis, and Quantitative Proteomics to Determine Prognosis After Standard Adjuvant Treatment With Trastuzumab and Chemotherapy in Primary Breast Cancer Patients
December 2015, SABCS - Whole genome sequencing and quantitative proteomics reveal HPV integration and HER2 overexpression in a patient with cervical cancer: Comprehensive omics analysis driving clinical treatment decisions
June 2015, AACR Precision Medicine Series - Building patientspecific predictors of drug responses from cell line genomics
June 2015, AACR Precision Medicine Series - Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Proteomics in the Clinical Setting: Integrating Whole Genome and RNA Sequencing With Quantitative Proteomics to Better Inform Clinical Treatment Selection
May 2015, ASCO - HER2 Quantification By Targeted Proteomics Compared To IHC Or ISH In Predicting Clinical Benefit From AntiHER2 Therapy In HER2positive Breast Cancer
May 2015, ASCO - Proteomic analysis of primary and metastatic breast cancers reveals a wide range of expression of the folate receptor, a potential drug target
May 2015, ASCO - Quantitative measurement of HER2 levels by targeted proteomics predicts survival in gastric cancer patients treated with trastuzumab
May 2015, ASCO - Diagnostic protein quantitation of actionable targets in patient biopsies using clinical mass spectrometry
May 2015, ASMS - Her2 expression in gastroesophageal cancer (GEC) FFPE tissue using mass spectrometry (MS) and correlation with HER2 gene amplification
January 2015, ASCOGI - Quantitative measurement of HER2 levels by multiplexed mass spectrometry from FFPE tissue predicts survival in patients treated with antiHER2 based therapy
December 2014, SABCS - Development and Clinical Validation of a Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Assay for PDL1 Protein in FFPE NSCLC Samples
November 2014, EORTCNCIAACR - Quantification of ALK from NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) FFPE Tissue by Targeted Mass Spectrometry
October 2014, Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology - High Levels of HER2 Measured By Multiplex Mass Spectrometry Correlate With Increased Overall Survival In Patients Treated With AntiHER2 Therapy
May 2014, ASCO - A comprehensive analysis of molecular profiles across over 10,000 tumor and germline exomes from over 5,000 patients across more than 20 tumor types
May 2014, ASCO - Differential pathway activation associated with domainspecific PIK3CA mutations
April 2014, AACR - Development and Clinical Validation of a Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Assay for PDL1 Protein in FFPE NSCLC Samples
February 2014, IASLC - Towards personalized treatment for gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma: Strategies to address inter and intra patient tumor heterogeneity: PANGEA
January 2014, ASCOGI - Quantification of MET Expression Using Mass Spectrometry (MS): Assay Precision and Stability in FFPE Tumor Tissue
January 2014, ASCOGI - Multiplexed Mass Spectrometrybased Assay to Quantify Translocation Markers from NSCLC FFPE Tissue
January 2014, AACRIASLC - Learning Regulatory Interactions with Paradigm
July 2013, ISBC - Learning regulatory links in cancer through integrated pathway analysis with Paradigm
June, 2013 - Development of a Quantitative Gastroesophageal Cancer SRM assay for Use in FFPE Tumor Tissues
April 2013, AACR - FOXM1 target genes associated with cell cycle regulation predict breast cancer metastatic outcome
April 2013, AACR - Quantification of HER2 from Gastroesophageal Cancer (GEC) FFPE Tissue by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
January 2013, ASCOGI - Mass Spectrometry Based Quantitative Analysis of the HER Family receptors in FFPE Breast Cancer Tissue
December 2012, SABCS - Singlecell RNA sequencing of paclitaxeltreated breast cancer cell lines to find individual cell response
December 2012, SABCS - Development of a Quantitative Gastroesophageal Cancer Selected Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometric Multiplex Assay for Use in FFPE Tissues
November 2012, EORTCNCIAACR - Cancer genome sequencing analysis, storage, discovery and delivery
April 2012, AACR - Integrated Genomic and Pathway Analysis Reveals Key Pathways across Breast Subtypes
December 2011, SABCS